Forecast generated on Saturday 27 July 2024 at 9:00 BST       Sunrise: 04:07     Sunset: 20:29
Time Temperature Pressure Conditions Precipitation Humidity Wind
Saturday 27 July 2024
09:00 13 ° C 1009.9 mb
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy UV: 2.6
0 in 84.1 % 1.2 mph
Wind from the SW
10:00 15.9 ° C 1010.5 mb
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy UV: 3.7
0 in 73.4 % 1.4 mph
Wind from the SSW
11:00 16.9 ° C 1010.7 mb
Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy UV: 3.9
0 in 69.6 % 1.4 mph
Wind from the SSW
12:00 17.9 ° C 1010.7 mb
Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy UV: 4.7
0 in 65.5 % 1.8 mph
Wind from the SSW
13:00 18.7 ° C 1011 mb
Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy UV: 4.2
0.01 in 61.4 % 1.9 mph
Wind from the SSW
14:00 17.5 ° C 1011.4 mb
Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy UV: 3
0.03 in 69.4 % 2.6 mph
Wind from the NE
15:00 17.3 ° C 1012 mb
Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy UV: 2.1
0 in 71.2 % 2.5 mph
Wind from the NE
16:00 17.7 ° C 1012.6 mb
Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy UV: 1.7
0.01 in 69.3 % 2.8 mph
Wind from the NE
17:00 16.2 ° C 1013.5 mb
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy UV: 0.9
0.05 in 80 % 2.5 mph
Wind from the NE
18:00 15.8 ° C 1014.4 mb
Sunny Sunny UV: 0.6
0 in 82.6 % 2.6 mph
Wind from the NE
19:00 14.9 ° C 1015.5 mb
Sunny Sunny UV: 0.1
0 in 84.9 % 2.3 mph
Wind from the NE
20:00 13.7 ° C 1016.5 mb
Mostly sunny Mostly sunny
0 in 87.9 % 1.3 mph
Wind from the NNW
21:00 12.1 ° C 1017.3 mb
Mostly clear Mostly clear
0 in 91.2 % 1.3 mph
Wind from the NNW
22:00 11 ° C 1017.9 mb
Sunny Sunny
0 in 92.3 % 1.3 mph
Wind from the NW
23:00 9.8 ° C 1018.5 mb
Clear Clear
0 in 93.6 % 1.5 mph
Wind from the W
Sunday 28 July 2024
00:00 9.1 ° C 1019.1 mb
Clear Clear
0 in 91.6 % 1.6 mph
Wind from the W
01:00 8.5 ° C 1019.5 mb
Clear Clear
0 in 89.9 % 1.9 mph
Wind from the W
02:00 7.9 ° C 1019.9 mb
Clear Clear
0 in 88.6 % 2.1 mph
Wind from the W
03:00 7.2 ° C 1020.2 mb
Clear Clear
0 in 87.8 % 2.3 mph
Wind from the W
04:00 6.6 ° C 1020.6 mb
Clear Clear UV: 0
0 in 87.1 % 1.9 mph
Wind from the W
05:00 7.1 ° C 1021.1 mb
Clear Clear UV: 0
0 in 86.9 % 1.5 mph
Wind from the W
06:00 9.1 ° C 1021.8 mb
Clear Clear UV: 0.3
0 in 89.7 % 1 mph
Wind from the W
07:00 11.5 ° C 1022 mb
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy UV: 0.9
0 in 89.8 % 1.1 mph
Wind from the W
08:00 13.5 ° C 1022.2 mb
Partly cloudy Partly cloudy UV: 1.5
0 in 88.3 % 1.6 mph
Wind from the SE


Chance rain
Chance rain


Mostly Cloudy
Mostly Cloudy
Mostly Cloudy
Mostly Cloudy

Mostly Cloudy
Mostly Cloudy

Partly Cloudy
Partly Cloudy
Partly Cloudy
Partly Cloudy
High: 20° Low: 6° High: 20° Low: 11° High: 22° Low: 8° High: 22° Low: 8°