Current Conditions
Updated: 22:14 on 14/10/24
Wind: |
0 mph from the W Gust: 0 mph |
Today's High Wind: |
14 mph (13:52) |
Solar Radiation: |
0 W/sqm Peak: 468 W/sqm (14:56) |
Pressure: |
1014.57 mb |
Humidity: |
90% |
Dew Point: |
1.2° |
Wind Chill: |
2.7° |
Heat Index (feels like): |
5.8° |
Cloud Base: |
202 m |
Max High Winds: |
Month 18 mph (4/10/24) Year 49 mph (31/1/24) |
Max Temperatures: |
Month 16.2° (2/10/24) Year 29.4° (17/9/24) |
Min Temperatures: |
Month -2.8° (14/10/24) Year -8.2° (8/2/24) |
Local Forecast
October 15 2024 08:00 |
Mostly Cloudy |
Chance rain |
Rain likely |
Wednesday night
Rain likely |
Chance rain |
Thursday night
Mostly Clear |
Mostly Cloudy |
Friday night
Rain likely |
High: 15° |
Low: 10° |
High: 14° |
Low: 10° |
High: 15° |
Low: 3° |
High: 15° |
Low: 11° |
European Jet Stream & UK Wind (click images for more) |
Lightning Strikes & Terminator with live world weather (click images for more) |
IR Satellite Image (click image for more)
Weather Cam (click image for more)
Webcam updated October 15 2024 08:40
Pressure Chart (click image for more)
Live Rain radar (click image for more)